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Lonavala is one of the important hill stations in the state of Maharashtra, situated at an altitude of 625 m above sea level. It is popularly known as the jewel of the Sahyadri mountains amongst the tourists. Nestled between the sylvan hills of the Western Ghats, Lonavla is a popular gateway from Mumbai and Pune. It is the starting point of the travel towards one of the famous and ancient Buddhist rock cut caves of Bhaja and Karla located near this hill station. The adventure buffs can take a walk along the waterfalls, the grassy abundance and hills in and around Lonavla. The mountainous terrain of Lonavala is ideal for trekking and hiking. There are also numerous lakes around Lonavala including Tugnarli, Lonavla and Bhushi dam, so is the Valvan Dam. The small hill station of Khandala is just 5 km away from Lonavala.

Lion's Point - A scenic spot 10 km from Lonavla.

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